


online minutes: $30

Ayurvedic Marma Massage

12 or 6 hours: $160 or $80




In this class you will learn about the marma points and the massage used in India. You will learn about the doshas and the oils that should be use for each one. The marma massage is a really useful way to  help improve or maintain an individual's health balance.


12 or 6 hours: $160 or $80





In this class you will learn the key from Ayurvedic Shirodhara. It is a technique to steady the mind, strengthen the senses and the classic external treatment for mental strain, insomnia, stress, tension headaches, migraine and anxiety. In this class you will also learn how to apply soothing upper body Abhyanga Massage.

Head Massage

12 or 6 hours: $160 or $80






In this class you will learn the deeply relaxing sequence focuses on the areas where we carry the most stress and tension - the head, neck, shoulders and upper back. You will learn how the clarifying massage oil helps to liberate fresh energy throughout the whole system. You will also learn how to complete the therapy, with fresh rose water applied to cool and nourish the head and scalp.

Hot Stone Massage

12 or 6 hours: $160 - 80





In this class you will learn the application and safety of the use of hot stone as well as the contraindications and benefits of this technique. You will learn how this treatment provides deeper cleansing and full body relaxation, the hot stone massage treatment combines the use of sodding oils with the heat and weight of smooth river rocks placed at specific energy centers to purify and stabilize the whole body.


12 or 6 minutes: $160 or $80





Feet are very important part in our body, as many nerves from many organs terminate in the feet. You will learn how this reflexology massage helps to strengthen these nerves and restores health to many parts of the body. You will also learn the different (vital) reflexology points which gives balance to the body and is very helpful for people with insomnia, fatigue and cramps.

Herbal ball massage

12 or 6 hours: $160 or $80






In this class you will learn how to make the muslin cloth how it is steamed to intensified the healing and soothing properties of the herbs. You will learn to massage with these herbal ball and how to used them to rub hot oil on the body. You will also learn how to select the herbs so that they blend well together and form a therapeutic mix that will benefit your client. The hot steam allows the oils to penetrate deeper into the tissues to liquefy, loosen, and remove impurities and deep seated toxins through the skin.



Chakra Healing Attunements

12 or 6 hours: $160 or $80





In this class you will learn how to perform chakra healing attunement to help cleanse and heal the chakras. A healing attunement is like a super-charged healing session and is an extremely powerful way to make changes in your clients life quickly.  You will also learn that with any attunement process, your client may experience a cleaning following the attunement. This could include physical detox or emotional release. Please know that any cleaning processes are temporary and will ease as your client's energy adjusts to the new level. 

Prenatal Massage

12 or 6 hours: $160 or $80







You will learn how this massage offers a safe and relaxing way to relieve some of pregnancy's discomforts. You will also learn how to help you client nurture both them and their baby from the first trimester through to post-partum recovery.  It is a specialized massage and you will learn how to work with the subtle energy techniques that provide a balance of the body, mind, and spirit as well as improves the reduction of water retention and swelling with the gentle lymphatic drainage of the legs.

Deep tissue massage with bentusa

12 or 6 minutes: $160 or $80


You will learn the use of the Russian bentusas (cups) to do massage strokes you may also leave the cups stationary. Techniques include making long strokes along your muscles, using the edge of the cup to scoop over a muscle, and making vigorous circles. You will also learn that though the techniques used by deep muscle therapy practitioners are very similar to Swedish massage, the strokes are applied with more pressure in order to stimulate the deeper muscles and surrounding tissues. A therapy such as deep tissue therapy depends largely on client-therapist trust.

You will learn how to address the issue of the temporary bruises marks leaved by the bentusas to you client. Once they understand what these marks are, and feel the results - the concerns disappear.